Full Spectrum CBD oil: Tips to increase the therapeutic effects of CBD

Tom Kucharski
5 min readOct 22, 2020

Is CBD the magic molecule in the cannabis or just a passing puff of smoke? There is certainly a significant trend in the marijuana market towards CBD products. But it is also widespread to hear that some users spend a good amount of money on, for example, a high-quality CBD oil hoping for immediate therapeutic results … but after a few hours, well, they don’t really “feel” anything. How can we effectively maximize the effects of this cannabinoid in our human body?

It is a simplistic approach to think that CBD is the sole protagonist of the medicinal benefits of cannabis. This is because there is an interactive synergy between all the plant compounds, known as the “entourage effect.” According to a well-researched article at https://biomdplus.com/product/natural-hemp-oil-full-spectrum/, many properties attributed to cannabis can only be felt through the entire plant, that is, with THC, CBD, terpenes, and other cannabinoids working together in sync.

Studies have shown that CBD is taken only positively affects inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, and spasms…. But it should be noted that most of these ailments are not treated with CBD alone and, in fact, require a certain level of THC, whose role as a phytotherapeutic compound has already been proven against many of the same pathologies.

The only difference is that CBD acts on different receptors than THC, causing an effect that is not psychoactive, that is, without the so-called “high” that THC produces. But it is really the ratio of the volume of THC to CBD that will have different effects. For example, an equal amount of THC to CBD (for example, a 1: 1 ratio variety) is often a better pain reliever than a 1: 2 or 1: 3 ratio.

This is just one example of how the therapeutic effects of CBD can be maximized. But he’s not the only one. Here are a few more:

1- The form of administration matters

This is especially true if you are taking Full Spectrum CBD oil orally, as it is crucial to keep the oil under your tongue for at least 30 seconds before swallowing. The sublingual area is loaded with cannabinoid receptors, salivary glands, and capillaries, giving the body enough time to absorb the CBD compound into the bloodstream.

Many users open the box, put a dropper full of oil in their mouths and swallow, and become discouraged when they do not notice any effects. What is probably happening here is that the oil is simply “sliding” down the esophagus, into the intestine, and then into the liver to be processed for urinary excretion.

2- Look for full-spectrum CBD products (instead of pure CBD isolate)

This is essential advice to maximize CBD's effects, as most experts agree that full-spectrum tinctures are much more effective than a 100% pure CBD isolate concentrate. What is meant by “full-spectrum”? Simply that all the active cannabis compounds are included in the oil rather than just the CBD.

3- A certain percentage of THC is always necessary

THC often gets a bad rap because it is the compound to which the psychoactive properties are attributed. Still, the simple reality is that it likely plays a crucial role in all aspects of cannabis-based therapy. THC seems to potentiate all the effects of CBD, and, conversely, CBD also affects THC, decreasing its most annoying side effects, such as anxiety or paranoia.

4- Full Spectrum CBD oil: Terpenes are just as important

Non-cannabinoid plant components, such as terpenes, also serve as inhibitors of the psychoactive effects of cannabis, thus increasing THC's therapeutic index. This ‘phytocannabinoid-terpenoid synergy,’ as it is known, increases the potential of medicinal cannabis-based extracts.

Terpenes also act on cannabinoid receptors and neurotransmitters; they are prone to combining or dissolving in lipids or fats; act as inhibitors of serotonin absorption (similar to antidepressants like Prozac); increase the activity of norepinephrine (similar to antidepressants like Elavil); they increase the activity of dopamine …. However, more specific research on this synergy is needed to understand all its possibilities.

5- Not all CBD is the same

Users should be aware that CBD that comes from hemp does not have the same medicinal properties as CBD that comes from marijuana. It is frankly an inferior product.

Of course, due to the ban, most legal CBD oils are hemp-based and contain virtually no THC (typically less than 0.3%). If you find that CBD hemp oil does not affect you, a marijuana-based product that contains higher levels of THC is worth trying.

6- Full Spectrum CBD oil, better with fats

It is important to understand that CBD is a fat-soluble compound rather than a water-soluble one. During millions of years of evolution, human cells have been ‘engineered’ to digest water-based substances primarily. As such, when we introduce fat-based substances (such as CBD), it can be more difficult to try to “unlock” the chemical and nutritional benefits, so you always have to give your body time to absorb the active compound.

7- Try Full Spectrum CBD oil with liposomes

This is a relatively recent concept, but some companies have launched a product called “CBD liposomes” to improve CBD's molecular bioavailability. Liposomes have been around in the medical world for centuries. They are basically little pills, or “bags” of fat, that encapsulate lipid-soluble drugs so that the gut can absorb chemicals much more easily.

8- Full Spectrum CBD: Try combining with melatonin

Lastly, this is some advice for people trying to use CBD for insomnia or other sleep problems. Melatonin is a secreted hormone naturally by the pineal gland, which, among other things, is known to help regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Several reputable companies are now combining cannabidiol with melatonin in products like CBD syrups, so it may be a good idea to try adding melatonin if you’ve been using CBD for sleep and haven’t gotten the effects you were looking for.

